• 茯茶素有一盒试用装是 588 元,有 60 小包,轻度的可以喝 30 天。
    Fu Tea element has a trial package of 588 yuan, with 60 packets, and the mild one can be drunk for 30 days.
    The company suggests buying by package, which is easier to use according to the adjustment cycle, so the effect is the best. At the same time, there are certain discounts. I suggest you think about it carefully.
    一次购买六盒套餐价是 3350 元,比单独买六次的 3528 元优惠 178 元。
    The price of a six box package is 3350 yuan, 178 yuan less than 3528 yuan for six times.
    一次购买中度的九盒套餐价是 4920 元,比单独买九次的 5292 元优惠 372 元。
    The price of a moderate nine box package is 4920 yuan, which is 372 yuan less than 5292 yuan for nine times.
    一次购买十二盒套餐价是 6350 元,比单独买十二次的 7056 元优惠 706 元。
    The price of a 12 box package is 6350 yuan, which is 706 yuan less than that of a 12 time package.

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